Thursday, October 4, 2012

Agape choreography

Here it is...The new Beginner's choreography. Keep in mind this is a living, breathing organism, so as the choreography is fine tuned and adjustments are made you will need to check back often to ensure that the notes you have are up to date.The choreography is incomplete, but I think I have hammered out a good portion of it. Only a few more dozen sets of 8 to go! Happy dancing!!!

Music: Dead Can Dance
CD: Anastasis
Choreography:  Jennifer Gutierrez

32        HOLD
8          Three Step R (1-4), L (5-8)
8          Step F/B/F R (1-4), L (5-8)
48        Repeat
8          Star
8          Double Bump
16        Repeat
8          Sink & Circle (1-8)
8          F Figure 8 (1-8)
16        Repeat
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Maya (1-8)
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Taxim (1-8)
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Maya (1-8)
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Taxim (1-8)
8          Three Step R (1-4), L (5-8)
8          Step F/B/F R (1-4), L (5-8)
16        Repeat
Vocal 64 cts.
8          Ciggi turn to face B
8          Head sway
8          Ciggi to face F           
8          B. Figure 8
16        Snake Arms w/ torso lean      
8          Big Hip circle R
8          Laundry
16        Camel walk R
16        Camel walk L
32        Camel into circle
50 sets of 8 Fast (shimmies, etc)
16        Shoulder Shimmy
8          Diagonal Chest Lifts/ V Ribs
16        Hip Shimmy
8          Diagonal Hips
16        Shoulder Shimmy
8          Diagonal Chest Lifts
16        Hip Shimmy
8          Diagonal Hip Lift
24        R Choo-choo (1-8), Choo-choo around self (1-16)
8          Three-step turn R (1-3) Hips L/L/D/D/L
8          Three-step turn L (1-3), Hips L/L/D/D/L
8          Three-step turn R (1-3) Chest Lock (4) Shoulder knocks F/U/B/D (5-8)
8          Three-step turn L (1-3), Chest Pop(4), L Shoulder Rolls B (5-8)