Sunday, November 27, 2011

Belly Dance Workshop!!!!

I am teaching a workshop tomorrow (YES, Tomorrow!!!!)  AT the Lotus Dance and Fitness Studio in Apple Valley. The best price is the cost is only $5 for this one hour workshop. If you are a current student of mine this class will be patterned after our Wednesday night classes with our usual warm up, conditioning, movement vocabulary and combinations and if time permits zill drill. If you would like more info please click  Here. 
Thanks and I am looking forward to seeing all of you there :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Diatribe performing in Hollywood THIS Friday!!!!!!

Dear Dancers and Friends,
Fab Friday Dinner Showcase is a perfect opportunity to Give THANKS for all we
have and love to share.  Eat a little, a lot, or just join us for a drink
while appreciating all the effort, talent and beauty our featured dancers
literally bring to the table!
8:30pm Friday NOVEMBER 18, 2011
DAR MAGHREB Restaurant IS the perfect blend of
Fabulous Entertainment, Delicious Food and Fun!
All ages, family & friends welcome!
MESMERA is your hostess at this Moroccan Palace
and Dances for You and your Friends, PLUS:
     Exquisite Menu has Showcase Discount with Vegan Options
     Bellydance Performances by Exciting Guest Dancers:
.............. and  MESMERA
Special Prices only when you say MESMERA:
$18 Light Eaters Menu Option
        (Moroccan salad, bread, 1 entrée, fruit basket, mint tea)
$27 ~ 4 course dinner,
$39 ~ 6 course, full Moroccan feast
        DON'T WANT FOOD? Drink minimum $18.
       (Tax, Tip & Drinks NOT included)
Complete menu:
    Make Reservations NOW!  323.876.7651
    Say 'Mesmera's DinnerShowcase' to assure proper seating area & price.
    (Shared table for Reservations of One person welcome!)
** Please note reservation and arrival for seating is 8:15 to 8:45pm
            Showcase Begins at 9pm
Looking forward to dancing with you at:
Dar Maghreb Restaurant
7651 Sunset Blvd.
W. Hollywood, CA 90046
      N.E. corner of Stanley
      Between La Brea & Fairfax
(Valet & some street parking available)
NEXT SHOWCASE: November 18th, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November Syllabus

November 2

Alt. Glute contractions
Rib L/D
Rib Slides
3/4 Glute Contractions
Rib Circles
Rib Crescents/6s
Rib/Hip Shimmy Drill
Choo-Choo Shimmy Drill

Zills: 3s
Head Slides
Chest Slides
Hip Slides

November 9
Intermediate Class
3/4 glute contractions w/ rib lifts/drops
3/4 Shimmy drill
3/4 Shimmy w/ 5 Step

    Beginning Class
    Zills: 3 3 7
    5 step w Zills: 3 3 7
    Head /slides/circles
    Rib lifts/drops
    Rib Circles
    Hip Circles

    November 16
    Review of all previous material

    Zills: 337

    Snake Arms
    Big Hip Circle
    Review of all previous Material

    November 30
    Review Stomping Drum choreography
    Begin Chrstmas Choreogrhy for Diamond Pyramid Showcase

    Zills: 337
    Snake Arms
        Traveling F
         1/4 Turns
    Undulations D
    Pile Shimmy

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    October Syllabus

    October 12
    Zills: 3s
    Undulation Down
     Cross Step
    Shoulder Shimmy
    Zills: 3s
    8     Undulation D DSR
    8     Cross Step R (going L) 1-2, Shoulder Shimmy (3-8)
    Sit Kicks
    3/4 Twists Step

    October 19
    Zills: 3s
    Hip Lifts F/B
    Zills: 3s
    8     Undulation D DSR
    8     Cross Step R (going L) 1-2, Shoulder Shimmy (3-8)
    8     Hip Lift Walking F
    8     Hip Lift Walking B

    Shimmy Drills:
      Ribs L/D/Slide R/L/Diagonal Ribs R/L
      Add Shimmy overlay to above combo

    Hip L/D/Slide R/L/Diagonal Hips R/L
       Add Shimmy overlay to above combo

    Discussion on improv and how to incorporate it into your daily practice (throw a song on and just dance to it. If you are feeling more adventurous put your media player on shuffle and dance to whatever pops on.

    Glut contractions 3/4
    • with rib L/D/slides on top
    • Rib squares
    • Rib Circles

    Saturday, August 6, 2011

    Friday, August 5, 2011

    Stomping Drum

    Stomping Drum
    For Gypsy Flamenco Drum Solo
    Choreography:  Burning Incense
    Music:  R.A. Fish
    C.D. Rhythmic Essence: The Art of Doumbek
    Track 5: Ghawazee

    Begin facing DSL, hands posed above head
    8          Hand Flores down w/drum roll
    16        Stomp 2xs body wave up (1-4), repeat 2xs (5-8 & 1-4) , R hip Crescent, L Ami (5-8)
    16        Clap 2xs overhead , Body wave down(1-4), repeat 2xs (5-8 & 1-4), shoulder knock R,L, head flip to face DSL (5-8)
    16        Repeat stomp sequence
    16        Repeat clap sequence
    16        Double bump R/L, ami R 2xs, body wave up, three-step turn to R
    16        Head pet, rib lift 2xs, rib circle 2xs, body wave down,Three-step turn
    16        Pelvic D/L, Hip Drop R/L, Body Wave Up, Shoulder Knocks R/L, Three-step turn 
    16        Head slide 2xs with arms over head, body wave down, Maya RL, body wave up, three-step turn  R to form straight line
    16        typewriter start L 3xs, rib circle L, drop
    16        sit kicks w/ Turkish dip, arm circles, cts. 7-8 swing body around to face back
    16        Hip swings RLR ,look over L shoulder to audience, repeat R, repeat L, repeat R
    16        face front, shoulder shimmy w/ forward hop
    32        Weave
    16        Stomp sequence
    16        clap sequence
    16        hop stomp 2xs, clap repeat, stomp 2xs, spin
    **Legal Stuff**
    This choreography is owned and copy written by Burning Incense.  Use of this dance outside of class or troupe setting without written consent may result in legal action.



    August Syllabus

    August 3
    Zill combo:
    Zill: Beledi
    16  Basic Cabaret step
    Zill: 3s
    16 Undulation D walking F 4xs
    Zill: 7s
    16  Backward Figure 8

    August 10
    Head slide/circle drill
    Review of previous material

    August 17
    Zills: 3s
    Sit Kicks with Turkish Dip
    Review of all previous material

    August 24
    Goddess Night!!!! ~Dress in your belly dance finery as we celebrate the inner Goddess
    Review of all previous material

    Saturday, June 25, 2011

    June Syllabus

    June 1
    Hip Lifts walking F/B

    June 8

    June 15

    June 22

    June Combo
    8     Hip Lifts stationary
    8     Hip Lifts Forward
    16   Down/out Hips ht
    8     Down/out Hips FT
    8     Double Bumbps
    16   Cross Step w/ Shoulder Shimmy F (8cts), B (8cts.)
    8     Upper Body Lock DSR (1-4), Repeat DSL (5-8)
    16   Egyptian w/ alternating arms 1/4 turn R   

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    May Syllabus

    May 4
    Zills: 3 3 7
    Torso Circle

    May 11
    Zills: 3 3 7
    Body Wave Down
    & Review all previous material

    May 18
    Zills: 3 3 7
    Big Hip Circle
    Body Wave Up
    Rib Circles
    Rib Circles while traveling
    & Review all previous material

    May 25
    Goddess Night ~ Wear your Belly Dance finery and celebrate the Goddess within!!! 
    Zills: 3 3 7

    Cut Turn
    Cut Turn w/ Up 2xs/Drop 3xs
    & Review all previous material

    May Combo
    8      Torso Circle (1-4), Body Wave Down (5-6), Ami R 2xs (7-8)
    8      Big Hip Circle R (1-4), Body Wave up (5-6), Traveling Rib Circle L (7-8)
    16    Lift/Lift/Drop/Drop/Drop Cut Turn

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    April Syllabus

    April 6
    Zills: Beledi
    1 1 123 1 123
    Snake Arms
    Rib Lift/Drops
    Rib Slides
    Rib Diamonds
    Rib Circles

    April 13
    Zills: Beledi

    Ghawazee Step
    Check Mark/ Forward Forward Back
    & All previous movements

    April 20
    Zills: Beledi
    Rib/Chest Drills:
    "V"/Diagonal Chest Lifts
    Rib Drill Combo:
    Rib lift/drop (1-2), Slide R/L (3-4), "V" Lift R (5-6), "V" Lift L (7-8)
    & All previous movements

    April 27
    Zills: Beledi
    Hip Drill:
    Hip Lifts/Drops
    Hip Slides
    "V"/Diagonal  Hip Lifts 
    & All previous movements

    April Combo
    8     Snake Arms
    8     Snake Arm Walk
    8     R Check Mark (1-4) R Ghawazee Step
    8     Repeat L
    16   Rib lift/drop (1-2), Slide R/L (3-4), "V" Lift R (5-6), "V" Lift L (7-8). Repeat
    16   Hip lift/drop (1-2), Hip slide (3-4), "V" Hips (5-8). Repeat 

    Upcoming Workshops

    Hello all,
    I have been asked to teach a few workshops this summer.  I will be teaching at the next Mega Madness workshop event put on by IE MECDA at the end of September, and I am hoping to squeeze a few more in during the months of June, July, and August.

    My question for you is...what topics would you like to see covered?  Is there a particular skill, technique, topic, or choreography you would like to get a liitle deeper understanding on? The summer workshops would be 1.5-2 hours in duration. The September MECDA workshop will be 45 minutes as it is part of a day long workshop series.

    Thanks for the input and look for the upcoming poll on The Gypsy Chronicles blog. The top suggestions will go up for a vote.

    Stay tuned!!!

    Thanks! Love & Shimmies,

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    March Syllabus

    Keep checking back as this post will constantly be update to reflect what we have learned in class this month

    March 2
    Zills: Beledi
    1 1  123   1 123   12

    Cross Step/X Step
    Hip Twists
    Pelvic Lifts/Drops
    Scissor Turn

    March Combination
    8     X Step R w/ L Hip Twist (1-2), Pelvic contraction (3-4), Lunge DSR* (5-6), Scissor Turn L (7-8)

    *DSR= Down Stage Right

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Finger Cymbals

    Here are a couple links to the two manufacturers of finger cymbals/zills that I recommend: 
    Turquoise International


    Happy shopping!

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    February Syllabus

    February 2
    Zills: 3s
    Rib Slides
    Hip Drops

    February 9
    Zills:  3s
             Ayoub 1 3  (R RLR)
    Hip Push Forward
    Bicycle Hips Forward

    February 16
    Zills:   3s
              Ayoub 1 3  (R RLR)
              3 3 7
    Scissor Turn
    Torso Circle
    Review and add onto previous Combination

    February 23 GODDESS NIGHT!
    Dress in your Belly Dance finery and connect with your inner Goddess
    Zillss:    3s
                 Ayoub 1 3 (R RLR)
                 3 3 7
    Review and add onto previous combination

    February Combo
    8 R Ami 2xs (1-2), Rib Slide L/R(3-4), Hip drops 4xs to L profile
    8 Hip Push Fwd (1-2), Bicycle Hip fwd (3-4), Choo-choo Fwd (5-6), Scissor Turn L( 7-8)
    8 Taxim R/L (1-4), Torso Circle(5-8)

    Tuesday, January 11, 2011

    January Syllabus 2011

    This is a living, breathing document that will continually be edited and added to during the month of January.  Check back often to see the week's offerings added.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me either via this blog, my email or by phone 760-887-2316

    January 5
    Zill drill: 3s

    Movements: Pivot/Shift/Step

    January 11
    Zill drill   3s
                     3 3 1
                     3 1 3 1 3
    Movements: Snake Arms
                          Ami/Interior Hip Circle

    January 26
    Zill drill     3s
    Movements: Ami/Interior Hip Circle
                          Rib Slides
                          Hip Drops
                          Hip Push Forward
    Class Combo
    16            Snake Arms (4cts each)
    8               Ami 2xs (4 cts. each)
    8               Ami 4xs (2 cts. each)

    A note from Barbara

    Hi All,
    I made 2 attempts at posting this on Jen's Blog but was unsuccessful and got frustrated and I decided to write an email to you all...
    First of all, it was nice seeing everyone after my long absence and it felt great to dance with everyone. ( well those that showed up).    I really like the new choreography and look forward to performing it in a new costume...
    Now, lets talk costumes!!!   For those of you that have the hard copy of "Inside the Harem", July 2010,  check out the Sari Streamer Skirt...I really like it.  I know we talked about a skirt but this looks more like a skirt than streamers.  I like the versatility of this piece and we could style it in many ways.  I also like the top that is pictured with it, but I already know what you guys are gonna say and that's OK...there are many top options...LOL
    You can view issues of "Inside the Harem" on line at their website, check it out and see what you think.  Also, it is customer appreciation month there so we can each get a 25% discount on one item, and if we buy something as a troupe we can probably get that discount as well...What do you all think?

    Sunday, January 2, 2011

    Darban Jooth na Booley

    Here are the choreo notes.  The revisions are not reflected here, but I will get to them later in the week.  Be on the look out for edited version.  This should at lest get you through most of it :)

    Music by: Solace
    CD: Satya
    Available at:
    Choreography by: Burning Incense

    Darban Jooth Na Boley

    16    Hip Lift walk (counts 7-8 of last set face front)
    16     Kitty undulation, undulation down
    16     Rib cage figure 8 right, repeat left
    8       Rib circle left
    24     SLOW camels to create circle facing each other
    8    Backbends with arm waves
    16    Forward fold with arm waves (1-8), stay down with arm waves (1-8)
    8     Rib circles left 2xs to get out of forward fold position, face front
    8    Snake arm sway16    Kitty undulation, undulation down
    8    (A) Rib circles right, Indian pose (B) Maya glide back
    8    (A) Head slide, bicycle forward to left angle     (B) Rib figure
    8, pelvic drop8    (A) Body wave down/up (B) Rib lift/drop, pelvic lift/drop
    4    Ami R 2xs t8    spin to pullout veil
    16    Choo-choo to right corner, Butterfly L/R
    16    Choo-choo to left corner, veil spin (veil winds up in front below eyes)
    8    Head slides/plie (1-4), reverse (5-8)
    16    Khatar glide right, veil spin to release veil behind
    8    Hip drops angled to left corner, hand waves down
    8    Walk forward, throw veil overhead
    8    Snake arm walk back (1-4), 2 ami right/body wave up/chest pop/chest drop
    16    Tribal camel while traveling forward w/snake arms (1-8), with torso circle (1-8)
    16    Hip Snap R/arms overhead(1-2), Hip Snap L/arms chest level (3-4), Head bobble (5-8) REPEAT
    16    Double Maya DSL (1-4), Double Maya DSR (5-8), Scissor Turrn L (1-4), Hip Snaps R/L/R 
    16    Shoulder knocks R/L (cts. 1-4), shoulder shimmy (cts. 5-8), repeat
    8    Ansuya snake glide (cts. 1-4) to opposite direction, glide around self w/ arm wave/tilt head back (cts. 5-8)
    16    Basic Tribal combo
    8    Twist drop L/R, body wave up/rib slide L/R/ body wave down
    8    Twist drop L/R, hip drop R/L/ shimmy with arms up & overhead
    16    Basic Tribal Combo
    16    Infusion Star
    16    Ab tuck/release w/shimmy overlay (cts. 1-12), salsa turn to face op. direction
    16    Moonwalk 2xs facing out
    16    Spooky torso circle w/snake arms
    24    Maya descend to floor, Temple offering lunge, Indian pose, Taxim to ascend
    16    Moonwalk 2xs facing in
    16    Choo choo to right corner, Ansuya kick flip, spin
    16    Choo choo to left corner, Ansuya kick flip, spin
    16     Head slides descending/ascending/Kahtar glide
    16    3-step turn, sit kicks with hand wave
    8    Hop angle R/Earthquake Shimmy (arms and over head)
    8     Pelvic drop/lift, hip drop R/L, body wave up, head slide
    16    Yummy ami combo
    16    Sidewinder (cts. 1-8 to R, 9-16 around to face back)
    16    Hold lunge, spin, pose


    Filli Niehardi

    Music: Corvus Corax
    Cd: Viator
    Choreogrphay bY: Lorra Wells

    Filii Neidhardi

    16 Arm undulations
    8 Sidewinder
    8 Maya R/L (1-2), ½ ami/body wave up (3-4), shoulder knock R/L (5-6), body wave down (7-8)
    8 R ami 2xs (1-2), rib slide L/R (3-4), Hip drops 4xs to L profile
    8 Hip bumps F 2xs (1-2), F bicycle (3-4), F Choo choo 2xs (5-6), L scissor turn (7- 8)
    8 Taxim(1-4), Torso circle (5-8)
    8 Maya R/L (1-2), ½ ami/body wave up(3-4), shoulder knock R/L (5-6), body wave down (7-8)
    8 R ami 2xs (1-2), rib slide L/R (3-4), Hip drops 4xs to L profile
    8 Hip bumps F 2xs (1-2), F bicycle (3-4), F Choo-choo 2xs (5-6), L scissor turn (7- 8)
    8 Torso circle (1-4), Taxim (5-8)
    16 Corkscrew R(1-8), Corkscrew L (1-8)
    8 Camel/Arabic forward R (1-4)/L (5-8)
    8 Descending Maya (1-4), Hip drop R/L/R (5-7), Pop up (8)
    8 R checkmark (1-4), Ghawazee turn L (5-8)
    8 L checkmark (1-4), Ghawazee turn R (5-8)
    8 Torso circle (1-4), Body wave down (5-6), Ami 2xs (7-8)
    8 Hip circle L (1-4), Rib circles 2xs (5-8)
    32 2 Up 3 Down ¼ turn
    8 Maya out R/ touch / back to center Maya out L/ touch / back to center8 chest pop/lock, pelvic lock/pop, hip drop R/L, body wave up,

    16 (DT) chest pop/lock, pelvic lock/pop, hip drop R/L, body wave up, - turn shoulder squares to turn REPEAT L
    8 Big Maya (1-4), pull back (5-8)
    8 3 step turn forward (1-4), L Lunge (5-8
    )8 Sidewinder (1-4), Hip drop R/L/R (5-7), Pop up (8)
    8 Maya R/L (1-2), ½ ami/body wave up (3-4), shoulder knock R/L (5-6), body wave down (7-8
    )8 R ami 2xs (1-2), rib slide L/R (3-4), Hip drops 4xs to L profile
    8 Hip bumps F 2xs (1-2), F bicycle (3-4), F Choo-choo 2xs (5-6), L scissor turn (7- 8)
    8 Torso circle (1-4), Taxim (5-8)8 Maya R/L (1-2), ½ ami/body wave up (3-4), shoulder knock R/L (5-6), body wave down (7-8)
    8 R ami 2xs (1-2), rib slide L/R (3-4), Hip drops 4xs to L profile
    8 Hip bumps F 2xs (1-2), F bicycle (3-4), F Choo-choo 2xs (5-6), L scissor turn (7- 8)
    8 Torso circle (1-4), Taxim (5-8)


    Music: Amon Tobin
    Choreography: Jennifer Gutierrez


    16 Enter w/ glide walk (1-12) Spooky Arm (4 cts.)

    32 Repeat 2xs
    8 Pivot slightly to face front, unveil self
    8 Reverse turn
    8 Maya 4xs to face group
    8 Join Palms
    8 Kneel Down
    8 Rib slide R/L, Torso circle (beg. Front)
    8 Palms raise up together
    8 Creepy Spirit Hands Down
    32 Pass the bottle ~drink
    8 Kitty Undulation Up
    16 Lorra spins out to ditch bottle
    Pivot to face back Left, lunge (8cts.), wave fingers to beckon back (8cts.)
    16 Facing back take off mask (8 cts), Big Fwd. Fig. 8 to remove cloak (8 cts.)
    16 Face front/drop cloak (1-4), Rib Slide L/R, undulation down (5-8), repeat rib slide combo (1-4), Reverse undulation to formation (5-8)
    16 Prayer down (1-8), Push roll down (1-8)
    8 Slow Kitty Fast L shoulder diamond 2xs
    Slow Maya, step-together-step, arms up 3xs scary to face DSR
    16 Slow Ami 2xs (8 cts.), Fast Ami 4xs (1-4), body wave up to face front/ rib circle L/body wave down
    32 Maya dwn slow ~using hands to outline body dwn to up (8 cts), Big Hip circle to R (1-6), Body wave dwn (7-8). Repeat L
    8 Sidewinder
    8 Reverse Turn
    8 Maya to form Withcy circle
    32 Join Palms, Kneel Down, Rib slide R/L, Torso circle (beg. Front), Palms raise up together, Creepy Spirit Hands Down
    8 S & J lunge out to corner and stand
    O & L do rib things
    8 All lunge forward
    8 L & J lunge L
    S & O lunge R
    8 L & J squat lunge
    S & O elevated lunge
    8 Reverse Turn
    Saunter off stage

    Leilat Hob choreography

    Music: Said Mrad
    CD: Mille & Une Nuits
    Choreography by: Jennifer Gutierrez

    Leilat Hob

    8 Basic Cabaret Step Forward

    8 Maya R/L, Slow Maya R with snakes arms
    8 Basic Cabaret Step Forward
    8 Maya L/R, Slow Maya L with Snake Arms
    Alternating facing DSR or DSL;
    8 Undulation Down (1-2), Shoulder Shimmy (3-4), Hip Drops R/L (5-6), Undulation Up (7), Rib Circle L(8)
    8 Repeat above combo facing toward other group
    16 Face back, L hip circle, Hip Shimmy, L Shoulder Roll, R shoulder roll, Undulation Down, Repeat R
    16 Traveling Hip circle in place
    16 Traveling Hip Circle to form Horizontal line
    32 Snake arms in place, arm level change, physical level change, in place
    32 Kitty Undulation (1-4) w/ double undulation down (5-8), repeat 3xs
    Alt. R or L
    8 3 step turn with shoulder shimmy, 3 step turn, hip drop shimmy
    8 Forward Figure 8
    8 Box (1-4) repeat
    16 Shimmy
    8 Big Hip Circle R w/ bounces
    3 Undulation down, pivot back
    11 Maya down/up w/hands under hair, pivot face front
    8 Chest squares 2xs
    8 Hard undulation contractions down to up
    16 Shoulder shimmy w/ kneel down
    8 Lunge DSR, pivot R
    16 Sit Kicks in circle
    8 X step w/upper body sway R/L, repeat L
    8 Spin to new formation
    16 Head slide L/R, chest pop Repeat 3xs
    24 Formation into circle: Push Fwd/Bk (1-11), lean back shoulder shimmy, Repeat
    8 X step w/upper body sway R/L, repeat L
    8 Bicycle Hips
    16 Lorra (1-8) DSR, Hip Roll/Shimmy combo DSL
    16 Choo-choo around self (1-8)
    16 Ciggi turn w/ hair (1-11), Hip Slide R, Hip drop 2xs, Body wave up
    8 Box (1-4), Choo choo shimmy (5-8)

    Ederlezi Trance Choreography

    Music: Phil Thornton
    CD: Nexus Tribal
    Choreography: Jennifer Gutierrez

    Ederlezi Trance

    8 Hold with back to audience

    32 Sidewinder (1-8), Undulation down (1-8), repeat
    32 Undulation down in circle 4xs to face front
    16 Tribal Camel SLOW~ Rise up (1-8), Torso circle (1-8)
    16 Rib Lit (1), Undulation down (2-4), ami R 2xs (5-8) while walking. Repeat
    16 Tribal combo
    16 Rib Lift 2xs w shimmy (1-4) Undulation down to his (5-8) Repeat
    32 Ami Combo ~Ami L/R, Center 2xs , Body Wave up , Rib slide L/R, Body Wave down, Ami L/R, Center 2xs, Head slide L/R. Repeat
    8 Snake arms to new formation
    8 Finger ripple under eyes
    12 ½ Bloodstone lunge sequence
    4 Maya alt. Up/down 2 cts each
    8 Spin to DSL
    8 Sprinkler
    16 Modified Moroccan (from Drum)
    8 Lunge w/Hip Drops 2xs
    8 Undulation downs 4xs,( 2cts. Each), while walking back
    8 Daisy Duke* combo w/ Hip Shimmy walking to R
    8 Daisy Duke combo w shoulder shimmy walking to L
    8 Daisy Duke combo with hip shimmy
    8 Stationary Hip Shimmy
    16 F/F/B/B pivot Choo w/arm sweep 2xs
    32 Chico Four Corners 4xs
    16 Sideways hand floreo up/down in Indian stance, (1-12), scissor turn L (13-16)
    32 Daisy Duke combo
    16 lunge to corner(1-8), spin to new FORMATION
    16 Ciggi turn (1-4), hair sway (5-8), Ciggi (1-8)
    16 Ami combo
    32 Pharonic Ripple*
    16 Rib circles descending/ascending in releve, traveling on a diagonal
    32 Pharonic Ripple
    8 Double Bumps
    16 Rib slide L/R, body wave down repeat 2 xs (total of 3xs) traveling to new FORMATION, scissor turn

    Daisy Duke combo~ Hip twist L/R (1-2), Body Wave Up (3), Rib circle L (4), Body Wave Down (5), Hip Drop R/L (6-7). Don’t forget the walking hip or shoulder shimmy accent is count 8 for this combo!

    Pharonic Ripple~ Six kick 2xs, undulation up 2xs, rib lock, rib slide L/R/circle w/ shimmy overlay

    Little Saint Nick Christmas choreography

    As promised, here is all the information and choroeogrohy notes for the Jngle all the way show.


    Beachy/wavey hair or in ponytail, pigtails, etc.
    Large poinsettia for hair
    Santa hat
    Black harem/yoga/melodia pants
    Christmas t-shirt from Target, etc. I'm hunting now. Don't worry we haven't agreed on shirts yet. When I find them I'll let you know.
    Red or Green sequin/confetti/glitter dot fabric cut in the style of your choice: sash, triangle, rectangle, miniskirt
    Red & white stripped socks

    Choreography: Burning Incense

    Music: Little St. Nick by Beach Boys


    Begin in staggered formation:
    16 Egyptian walk, 3 step turn R hit cane to floor, 3 step turn L
    16 Repeat
    8 Double bump RR/LL/RR/LL
    8 Walk around cane
    16 Repeat
    8 Face back (1-2), Fwd. figure 8 (3-6), look over shoulder hip drop 2xs(7-8)
    8 Repeat L
    8 sit kick while twirling cane facing DSR
    8 big hip circle (1-4), Hip circle (5-6) to DSL (7-8)
    16 Repeat sit kicks (1-8), Hip circles (1-8)
    16 Face back (1-2), figure 8 (3-6), look over shoulder hip drop 2xs (7-8), Repeat L
    8 Bring cane up over head (1-4), hold overhead (5-8)
    16 Candy Cane R (1-4), Repeat L (5-8), Repeat R/L (1-8)
    8 Spin to form circle
    8 Push fwd/bk
    8 Shimmy in circle
    8 Push Fwd./Bk.
    8 Spin to “V” formation
    8 While in “V” formation:
    B S
    JH A
    O L
    B& S Camel R/L with cane at chest level
    8 Everyone Maya down/up
    8 B/S & JH/A Camel w/cane out in front
    8 Everyone Maya
    8 EVERYONE Camel w/ cane overhead
    8 Everyone Maya


    **Remember when I would give out homework assignments over breaks?  Well, in 2011 look forward to more of that! ;) Here's one from 7/07

    As promised here is your homework until the break subsides. Remember classes will resume, Wednesday, July 18th. If you do not have zills you may "air zill" or do these movements with out zills. Happy zilling!!! ;)
    Dance Movement ( practice with Zills: Longa r-l-r-hold):
    50 Rib Slides (right and left)
    50 Chest (rib) lifts & drops
    50 Rib right and left
    50 Hip lifts
    50 Hip lift walk (forward/back/side to side)
    50 Hip lift walk in releve (forward/back/side to side)
    50 Hip Drops
    50 Hip drop walk (forward/back/ side to side?
    50 Hip drop walk in releve (forward/back/side to side)
    50 undulation down
    50 undulation up
    50 Torso circles (left & right)
    50 Basic Egyptian walk (forward/back/side to side)
    Pile shimmy
    Dance at least one song for the joy of it. I suggest one slow and one drum solo. Also continue practicing with the zills. Move around with them contestably to gain the mind/body connection that is needed to play them.
    Beginning Dance Moves
    Instructor: Jennifer
    Phone: 760-887-2316

    Note: Keep feet flat on floor unless otherwise noted, and practice "good" posture (i.e. knees bent, pelvis tucked, back straight, ribs lifted, shoulder rolled back and relaxed, arms lifted to 5th position). If you have issues with your back and knees, please listen to your body.
    Dance Move & Description of Movement


    Slides- Push the right hip away from the body as you stand straight with weight even. Repeat on left side.

    Hip circles- Tuck pelvis forward, slide hip to the right, drop hips in the back, slide hip to the left. Repeat left side.… Knees should straighten and bend.

    Ami/Interior Hip Circle- Hip trace same pattern as above, but the concentration is on an "inward" or interior concentration.

    Taxim/Sway- Shift weight to right, drop right hip down, slide hip, lift hip and roll it into waist, shift weight to the left. Repeat on the left side.

    Maya- Reverse of Taxim. Pull right hip up, slide, drop hip. Pull weight to the other side and repeat.

    Forward Figure Eight- To begin, twist hip to the back right corner, twist to front corner. Left hip is now twisted to the back left corner, twist to the front left corner.

    Backward Figure Eight- Begin with hip facing front right corner, twist to back right corner. Left hip is now lifted on back left. Twist forward to complete movement.

    Hip Lift- Contract right glut so that hip raises in a sharp accent toward the ceiling. Knees will straighten and bend, but the emphasis should be on the contraction of the glut and not the pumping of the knees. Repeat left side .

    Hip Drop- Pull right hip down by bending right knee. Repeat left side. Keep weight even over both feet.

    Double Bumps- Beginning on the right Lift hip twice. Repeat left side.

    Sit Kicks Face left corner, slightly angled. Drop hip, lift hip, and kick leg out as you drop the hip for a second time. Repeat left side by facing right.

    Plie Shimmy- See hip lift, only perform faster and at a steady speed.

    Egyptian Shimmy- Keep legs straight, but not locked. Bend knees forward and back as fast as possible.

    Serpentine- Begin with a Maya on the right, add a head slide on the left. Always make sure that the hip and head are extended on opposite sides

    Hip Lock- Contract the oblique muscle to push the hip down

    Double Hip Locks -See above but do two sets on each side

    Double Bumps- Beginning on the right lift hip twice. Repeat left side.

    Hip Snaps- Press the hip forward and lift, keep weight even on both feet

    Double Snaps- See above, but complete two sets on the right. Repeat left

    Triple Snaps Snap- the hip forward on the right/left/right. Repeat using left/right/left pattern

    "V" Hips- Beginning in "neutral" posture, push right hip to the right corner. Follow through pushing left hip to the left corner. Hips come out on a diagonal.


    Rib Slides- Without moving hips, slide rib cage from left to right. Repeat right to left.

    Rib lift/Pop- Lift chest as though there a string attached to the sternum

    Rib drop/Lock- Drop chest as though someone was punching you. Chest should be concave, and back slightly rounded.

    Rib Circles/Rolls- By combining the above three movements we create the rib roll. Beginning with a lift, slide, drop, slide. Smooth out the movements until a circle with the ribs is created. Repeat left side.

    Rib Figure 8 -Begin by dropping the right shoulder, slide and lift ribs on right, shoulder and ribs will automatically drop on the left, slide and lift on the left

    "V" Ribs- Begin with ribs in neutral, push ribs to right corner. Follow through by pushing to the left corner. Ribs will come out at a diagonal and crate a "V."

    Chest Shimmy- Twist the sternum from right to left. As you build up sped the intensity of the move will develop

    Hands and Arms

    Lotus- Fan fingers out and hide thumb with index finger.

    Lotus Blossoms- Press middle finger and thumbs together, other fingers flair or splay out.

    Wrist Flips- Roll fingers in leading with pinky; hands rotate inward s arms rise. Reverse- rotate hand in circle, leading with index finger as though you were cleaning a vase or glass.

    Snake Arms- Rotating shoulder as though doing the back stroke, raise one arm, leading from shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand. As right arm comes down, left arm begins to rise.

    Three Step Turn- Step out on right foot, bring left foot over right to face back wall, and then quickly pivot self around to face front. Hold on left side for accent or pose. Repeat left.

    Flamenco- Bring right foot forward and to the left. Pull up on toes and spin so that your right leg ends up in back.

    Paddle (Push) Turn -Start with weight on left foot. Push off with right foot and pivot around in a circle with left foot flat on floor. Repeat left.

    Ciggie- Turn Start with weight on left foot, right foot on ball. Twist ball of foot on floor (as if putting a cigarette out causing your hip to twist, and pivot with left foot. Reverse on left.

    Figure 8 Push Turn- Facing front, push right hip to the front so that the body is now facing the left, right hip twists back to create a figure 8 on the right and left side.


    Head slides- Keep head vertical. Pull head to one shoulder, leading with ear. Then pull to the other side.

    Head Circles- Push head forward, slide to right, pull back, slide to left, then pull forward. Smooth out to complete circles.
    Full Body

    Body wave Up- Start with a deep knee bend. Pull hips forward, stomach forward, chest forward, should and head follow, for a "snap" or accent.

    Body Wave Down- Start with an elongated stance, roll shoulder back, chest drops, concave stomach in (tighten abs), and hips drop as is sitting for a "snap" or accent.

    Undulation Down- Using torso only…Lift ribs, roll shoulders back, pull in abs, relax stomach.

    Reverse Undulation/Undulation Up- Forward Pelvic tuck, draw in abs, inflate stomach, relax.

    Pelvic Locks on the Up- Contract the Psoaz muscles that lay an inch below the naval. The contraction of this muscle will create a lock.

    Pelvic Locks on the Down- Contract the muscles that are at eh small of the beck. You should feel a lengthening of these muscles as hey force the pelvis down.

    Alexonna's Step -Begin with pivot step on the right hip, body wave up, body wave down. Repeat on left


    Basic Cabaret Walk -Step forward on left. Lift right hip up (see hip lift), keep weight on left side. Repeat starting with right foot.

    Camel Walk- Leading with right foot, step out, lift chest up and roll back on top of ribs, abs push chest off ribs (undulation), back to starting point., slide left foot behind. Reverse on left.

    Reverse Undulation Walk- Leading with the right foot, step and contract the pelvis, contract the abs, push the abs out, and release (Reverse Undulation), back to starting point. Reverse on left.

    Hathor's Walk -Step forward on right foot, lift left hip up (see Hip Lift),then circle hip back and around (see hip circle), place left foot flat on the floor. Repeat by stepping on left foot.

    Choo-Choo- Begin with right foot on ball, left foot is flat. Raise right hip and step down on right foot. Left foot will drag behind.

    Plie Shimmy- See hip lift, only perform faster and at a steady speed

    Twist Shimmy- Begin by twisting hips on the right/left. Increasing speed will allow the movement to develop into a shimmy

    Traveling Plie Shimmy- Lift the right hip as you take a big "swishy" step. Follow on the left

    Chest/Rib Shimmy- Twist the sternum from right to left. As you build up sped the intensity of the move will develop

    Chest to Hips/Hips to Chest -full body layer Begin with a chest shimmy. Pull the energy of the movement from the chest into a body wave down, and into the hips. Release into a plie shimmy. Reverse the movement  beginning in the hips, leading to a body wave up, and ending with a chest shimmy

    Bellydancer's Resource Guide

    Bellydancer's Resource Guide

    The Battle Choreography

    Music by: Beats Antique
    CD: Tribal Derivations
    Available at:

    16 Hold
    16 Basic Egyptian walk forward
    16 Push turn, Big snake arms w/head figure 8
    16 Repeat
    8 Hip circle R 2xs/Big hip circle R
    8 Hip circle L 2xs/Big hip circle L
    16 Camel in circle around self face front
    16 Choo-Choo DSR, Choo- Choo in circle around self
    16 Repeat DSL
    16 Shimmy walk forward/back
    16 Shoulder shimmy down/up, shoulder shimmy forward/back
    16 Flamenco step L/R/L/R
    8 Backward. Figure 8 , Ami 3xs face DSR w/rib lift
    16 Rocky Road combo*
    24 Cherry Coco pop combo**
    16 Check mark, check mark in releve
    16 Choo-choo R, Choo-Choo L, pivot turn (cts. 7-8)
    16 Tribal basic
    8 Hip bounces w/arm circle
    8 Pivot L (1-4), Maya down 2xs (5-8)
    16 Egyptian walk forward
    8 Push turn forward
    8 Big snake arms
    16 Ami 2xs, Big hip circle R, Repeat L
    16 Camel around in circle
    16 Shimmy walk forward/back
    16 Shoulder shimmy down/up, forward/back
    8 Flamenco step L, Flamenco step R
    *chest pop/lock, pelvic lock/pop, hip drop R/L, body wave up, chest lock, R shoulder roll back 2xs, R bicycle hip forward, arms over head
    **head slide, body wave down, chest pop 3xs, rib slide, body wave down, ami 2xs, body
    wave up, shoulder rolls back 2xs, torso circle R

    Class Combo 2/08

    Here's the combo we made up for our February class. Remember to practice these moves as they will reinforce what we have learned in class for the month.  I'll add the new moves we add this Wed.

    16 Choo-choo R, "V" Hips
    16 Choo-Choo L, "V" Ribs
    8 Tree Hugger (small)
    16 Tree Hugger w/twist 3xs (chaa-chaa-chaa) L/R/L/R
    8 Chinese Star
    8 Tribal Camel
    16 Hip Walk Fwd. (cts. 1-8), Hip Lift walk bk. in releve (cts. 9-16)
    16 Hip bump Fwd. 2xs/Bk. 2xs (cts. 1-4), shimmy R (cts. 5-8)
    16 Repeat L
    2xs= do movement two times
    3xs= do movement three times
    L= left
    R= right
    Cts.= counts