Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Class Combo 3/08

March Combo
8 Snake Arms
8 L Scissor turn (1-4), snake arms (5-8)
8 Repeat R
16 Rib Circles L, repeat R
8 Undulations Down 2xs DSR(1-4), Rib Crescent L(5-6), Rib Crescent R (7-8)
8 Repeat DSL
8 Rib Figure 8
8 Maya
8 Maya Descend to floor
8 Hip Pushes Fwd 2xs/Bk 2xs, Ronde de Jambe
8 Repeat L
8 Ami 2xs (1-4), Body Wave up (5-8)
8 Ami 2xs (1-4), Body Wave up (5-5), Head slide (7-8)

Diatribe! Saiidi Drum Choreo

Choreography: Jennifer Gutierrez
Music: David Macejka
CD: Poi for Gadje

Saiidi /Masmoudi/ Fellahin
8 Hip Lifts R/L/RR (1-4), shoulder knocks R/L, body wave down
8 Hip Lifts L/R/LL (1-4), Rib circle, syncopated body wave down/up (6 cts.)
8 Hip Lifts R/L/RR (1-4), Head slide, body wave down/up
8 Hip Lifts L/R/LL (1-4), Fwd. Fig.8, pelvic lock, torso contraction, rib pop
8 Freeze shimmy
8 R Hip Lift, drop 2xs, lift, 3 step turn R, shoulder shimmy
8 L Hip lift, drop 2xs, lift, 3 step turn L, head slide
8 L hip lift, drop 2xs, lift, 3 step turn R, shoulder shimmy
8 R Hip Lift, drop 2xs, lift, Yummy Ami combo
16 Tribal combo
Coming up:
Hip twist R/L, pelvic lock, body wave up
Snaky Shimmy Combo
Slide & Wave Combo

Khatar Choreo

Choreography: Jennifer
Music: Solace

32 Enter stage and hold
24 Push turn to R for counts 8, 16, 24
8 Face front bring veil up and around face
16 Shiva shimmy w/ head slide R, repeat L
16 Face L, veil spin to front R shoulder veil toss 2xs, pull veil behind to back, angle veil behind self contract up, look over L shoulder
8 Grapevine to face front, shoulder roll 2xs
16 Butterfly @ head 2xs, spin,
16 Butterfly @ hips, spin to face middle of stage.
24 Camel to group w/L arm up, 3-step turn to face L, bring left arm up behind head, bicycle hips 3xs R
16 Form circle
16 Extend R leg out, dip veil up and down, grapevine, repeat
16 Extend R leg out, grab veil of person to your L, rib circle 2xs, grape vine, undulate 2xs, pull veil out and spin to place
8 Lunge to R, bring veil to under eyes, head slide 3xs
24 Toss veil over head, laundry, wrap veil around body, Maya 3xs
32 Double undulation, rib drop 3xs, 4xs to form straight line
8 Pull L hand from head, remove veil, and walk around self in a circle
16 Lunge R or L with veil, staggered veil toss, snake arms at various height
16 Egyptian walk 2xs (1-4), Big Hip Circle L(5-8), repeat
8 Hop to face front, shoulder shimmy forward, back, turn to face R
8 Bicycle 2xs, step L, R, face front L, hold R
8 LG: Slow Maya 2xs, hip drop 4xs, body wave up, Rib drop
8 RG: Rib slide L/R, typewriter to L, Rib circle L, Rib drop
8 LG: Rib lift 2xs w/shoulder shimmy, body wave down, R hip bump 2xs
8 RG:L hip bump 2xs, R Ami 2xs, Body Wave Up
8 Choo-Choo to straight line, hand cascade
8 RG: three step turn, LG: three step turn to form diamond
8 Undulate toward each other
Back bend down w/ snake arms, hold back bend, back bend up, snake arms, undulate away from each other
Spin to circle
24 Repeat veil sequence, but use skirt to substitute veil
8 Spin to face L, sit kick 2xs, roll hip forward, ami 2xs
8 Repeat to face R
8 Egyptian forehead
8 Undulate back with hands waving down from head to hips
8 Spin and pose

Class notes for 6/3/09

Yes, this note is over a year old, but it never hurts to drill.

A little belated but here's the movements we covered in class last week.  I'll update for tomorrow's class.

Hip Lifts
Hip Circle
Traveling Hip Circle
Zills: 3s/Triplets,Longa

Bellydance Book Club

This is required reading for Intermediate students and suggested reading for beginners.  I would like to revisit a few chapters every few months in person if possible.  Good wine and good conversation never hurt anyone. 

Belly Dance Book Club


Join the Belly Dance Book Club!!!!

If you love reading and belly dancing this is the group for you.  Book topics may include works of historical significance, works on leading the artist thought their path of self-discovery, terminology, controversial topics or writings, and works of fiction.


 We have our first book up for discussion:
Belly Dance: Orientalism, Transnationalism, And Harem Fantasy (Bibliotheca Iranica. Performing Arts Series) by Anthony Shaw

What's your purpose here?

Well, to be quite frank, the purpose of this blog is to offer easy access to all of the material I have floating throughout the web.  I wanted a simple place for students and troupe members to go that would act as a store house of information from which they can glean choreography notes, class syllabi, performance calenders and schedules, and share links for new costuming, music, etc.  In essence, I want to eliminate the need to post on Facebook (with only Intermediate students reading)and send mass emails (which only some of you may read due to filters or lack of interest.) This blog should be used as a communication tool for all students so that information can be accessed quickly.  Also, I want to encourage the sharing of information here.  So,if you have a question, a link or a post that you would like to put up please feel free.  I think this new forum will be of great benefit to everyone.