Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stomping Drum

Stomping Drum
For Gypsy Flamenco Drum Solo
Choreography:  Burning Incense
Music:  R.A. Fish
C.D. Rhythmic Essence: The Art of Doumbek
Track 5: Ghawazee

Begin facing DSL, hands posed above head
8          Hand Flores down w/drum roll
16        Stomp 2xs body wave up (1-4), repeat 2xs (5-8 & 1-4) , R hip Crescent, L Ami (5-8)
16        Clap 2xs overhead , Body wave down(1-4), repeat 2xs (5-8 & 1-4), shoulder knock R,L, head flip to face DSL (5-8)
16        Repeat stomp sequence
16        Repeat clap sequence
16        Double bump R/L, ami R 2xs, body wave up, three-step turn to R
16        Head pet, rib lift 2xs, rib circle 2xs, body wave down,Three-step turn
16        Pelvic D/L, Hip Drop R/L, Body Wave Up, Shoulder Knocks R/L, Three-step turn 
16        Head slide 2xs with arms over head, body wave down, Maya RL, body wave up, three-step turn  R to form straight line
16        typewriter start L 3xs, rib circle L, drop
16        sit kicks w/ Turkish dip, arm circles, cts. 7-8 swing body around to face back
16        Hip swings RLR ,look over L shoulder to audience, repeat R, repeat L, repeat R
16        face front, shoulder shimmy w/ forward hop
32        Weave
16        Stomp sequence
16        clap sequence
16        hop stomp 2xs, clap repeat, stomp 2xs, spin
**Legal Stuff**
This choreography is owned and copy written by Burning Incense.  Use of this dance outside of class or troupe setting without written consent may result in legal action.



August Syllabus

August 3
Zill combo:
Zill: Beledi
16  Basic Cabaret step
Zill: 3s
16 Undulation D walking F 4xs
Zill: 7s
16  Backward Figure 8

August 10
Head slide/circle drill
Review of previous material

August 17
Zills: 3s
Sit Kicks with Turkish Dip
Review of all previous material

August 24
Goddess Night!!!! ~Dress in your belly dance finery as we celebrate the inner Goddess
Review of all previous material