Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mishto Choreography

By: Gogol Bordello
CD: Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike
Choreography: Jennifer Gutierrez
32           Hold
64 Cts.   Social perusing (Imagine a market scene, ladies gossiping, etc.)
Just Jennifer:
16           Traveling Hip Circle R (1-4), L (5-8) Opposite fist pounds same shoulder as hip , Double Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo face B (5-8)
Jennifer + 1
16           Repeat  above combo
Jennifer + 3
16           Same combo as above
Jennifer + all
16           Same combo as above
32           Same combo as above fill force with LOTS of ATTITUDE!!
16           Flamenco Step with Face profile L/R/L/R
16           Taxim step F w/kick on ct.4 (kick skirt out to side)  
8              Tribal Camel
8              Torso circle
8              Undulation d DSR
8              Undulation d DSR 2 cts. Each
16           Big Hip Circle CW
8              Undulation D DSL
8              Undulation D DSL ( cts. Each)
16           Traveling Hip Circle (1-8), Double Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo around self (5-8)
8              Moroccan Campfire
8              Shimmy Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy

8              Moroccan Campfire
8              Shimmy Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy twist chest to R to FACE BACK
8              Arms float up overhead
8              Arms slide across back of head to 2nd
8              Slow snake Arms (4 cts. Each)
8              Snake Arms (2 cts. ea)
8              Turn L to face Front w/ chest diamond (1-4) (5-8) descending
8              Ascending pelvic Square
8              Ami 2xs (1-4), Reverse Undulation Up (5-8)
8              Lunge DSR (1-4), Pull back (5-6), Scissor turn L (7-8)
16           Sidewinder
16           Maya R/L (1-4), Maya Step R (5-8). Repeat L (1-8)
16           Traveling Hip Circle (1-8), Double Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo around self (5-8)
16           Repeat
8              Moroccan Campfire
8              Shimmy Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy
8              Moroccan Campfire
8              Shimmy Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy twist chest to R to FACE FRONT
16           Traveling Rib Circle L
16           Stand R in “L” arms sweep to “L” tilt head and neck back for attitude (1-4), Twist Shimmy (5-8). Repeat L
16           Gypsy strut walk with skirt balled up at fists at hips
16           X-Step R (to go L) w/slight lean F (1-2), Lean Back bump R hip 2xs (3-4). Repeat 3xs
16           Ball skirt up to fists Hip Bump FR/BR/FL/FB (1-4), repeat 3xs
8              Hip Shimmy
8              Hip shimmy w/ ¾ slides
8              V Ribs
8              “Bubble” Head slide L/R (1-2), Body Wave D w/shimmy (3-4), Undulation Up (5-8)
8              Bounce fist on R arm (1-4), Repeat L (5-8)
8              Face profile L Hip Bounce F/C/B/C/(1-4), repeat
8              X Step F w/ skirt ruffling 2ct steps
8              Bend F/B with skirt ruffling 2cts.
8              X Step F w/ skirt ruffling 2ct steps
8              Bend F/B with skirt ruffling 2cts.
16           Traveling Hip Circle (1-8), Double Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo around self (5-8)
16           Repeat
8              Moroccan Campfire
8              Shimmy Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy
8              Moroccan Campfire
8              Shimmy Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy twist chest to R to FACE FRONT
16           Traveling Rib Circle L
16           Stand R in “L” arms sweep to “L” tilt head and neck back for attitude (1-4), Twist Shimmy (5-8). Repeat L
8              Gypsy strut walk with skirt balled up at fists at hips
16           X-Step R (to go L) w/slight lean F (1-2), Lean Back bump R hip 2xs (3-4). Repeat 3xs
Big Finish!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Agape choreography

Here it is...The new Beginner's choreography. Keep in mind this is a living, breathing organism, so as the choreography is fine tuned and adjustments are made you will need to check back often to ensure that the notes you have are up to date.The choreography is incomplete, but I think I have hammered out a good portion of it. Only a few more dozen sets of 8 to go! Happy dancing!!!

Music: Dead Can Dance
CD: Anastasis
Choreography:  Jennifer Gutierrez

32        HOLD
8          Three Step R (1-4), L (5-8)
8          Step F/B/F R (1-4), L (5-8)
48        Repeat
8          Star
8          Double Bump
16        Repeat
8          Sink & Circle (1-8)
8          F Figure 8 (1-8)
16        Repeat
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Maya (1-8)
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Taxim (1-8)
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Maya (1-8)
8          Triple Snaps R (1-3) Hold (4), Triple Snaps L (5-7), Hold (8)
8          Taxim (1-8)
8          Three Step R (1-4), L (5-8)
8          Step F/B/F R (1-4), L (5-8)
16        Repeat
Vocal 64 cts.
8          Ciggi turn to face B
8          Head sway
8          Ciggi to face F           
8          B. Figure 8
16        Snake Arms w/ torso lean      
8          Big Hip circle R
8          Laundry
16        Camel walk R
16        Camel walk L
32        Camel into circle
50 sets of 8 Fast (shimmies, etc)
16        Shoulder Shimmy
8          Diagonal Chest Lifts/ V Ribs
16        Hip Shimmy
8          Diagonal Hips
16        Shoulder Shimmy
8          Diagonal Chest Lifts
16        Hip Shimmy
8          Diagonal Hip Lift
24        R Choo-choo (1-8), Choo-choo around self (1-16)
8          Three-step turn R (1-3) Hips L/L/D/D/L
8          Three-step turn L (1-3), Hips L/L/D/D/L
8          Three-step turn R (1-3) Chest Lock (4) Shoulder knocks F/U/B/D (5-8)
8          Three-step turn L (1-3), Chest Pop(4), L Shoulder Rolls B (5-8)


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Zeina Choreography

Choreography: Jennifer Gutierrez & Ansuya
Music: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
CD: Bellydance Superstars
12        Hold and prep for Show Girl posture w/ “L” frame arms R
8          Double Bumps R (1), L Hip Lift (2), R Hip Lift(3), Rib Lock(4), Repeat (5-8)
8          Double Bumps L (1), R Hip Lift (2), L Hip Lift (3), Rib Lock (4), repeat (5-8)
8          Repeat Double Bump combo on R
8          Repeat Double Bump combo on L
8          Snake Arms w/Torso Sway (4 cts. Per side)
8          Hip Bump R (1-4), Hip Bump L (5-8)
8          Egyptian (2 cts. Per side)
8          Plié Shimmy
8          Shoulder Shimmy
8          Double Bumps R (1), L Hip Lift (2), R Hip Lift(3), Rib Lock(4), Repeat (5-8)
8          Double Bumps L (1), R Hip Lift (2), L Hip Lift (3), Rib Lock (4), repeat (5-8)
8          Repeat Double Bump combo on R
8          Repeat Double Bump combo on L
8          Snake Arms w/Torso Sway (4 cts. Per side)
8          Hip Bump R (1-4), Hip Bump L (5-8)
8          Egyptian (2 cts. Per side)
8          Plié Shimmy
8          Shoulder Shimmy

July Syllabus

July Syllabus
Beginning Belly Dance
6:15-7:15 PM
With Jennifer
Classes held July 18, 25
 During the month of July we will begin to learn a choreography for a performance on September 9th.
July 18                                                           July 25
Double Bumps                                             Hip Bumps
Hip Lifts                                                         Egyptian
Snake Arms                                                  Plié Shimmy
            w/ Torso Sway                                  Shoulder Shimmy
8          Double Bumps R (1), L Hip Lift (2), R Hip Lift(3), Rib Lock(4), Repeat (5-8)
8          Double Bumps L (1), R Hip Lift (2), L Hip Lift (3), Rib Lock (4), repeat (5-8)
8          Repeat Double Bump combo on R
8          Repeat Double Bump combo on L
8          Snake Arms w/Torso Sway (4 cts. Per side)
8          Hip Bump R (1-4), Hip Bump L (5-8)
8          Egyptian (2 cts. Per side)
8          Plié Shimmy
8          Shoulder Shimmy
Upcoming Events
August 4th ~Punk Raqs, Redlands ~ Diatribe! & The Velvet Plume Perform
September 9th~ MECDA IE Bazaar and Swap Meet~ Beginning Students Perform along with Diatribe & the Velvet Plume. Colton
Next Session begins August 1, 2012