By: Gogol Bordello
CD: Gypsy Punks:
Underdog World Strike
Choreography: Jennifer
32 Hold
64 Cts. Social perusing (Imagine a market scene,
ladies gossiping, etc.)
Just Jennifer:
16 Traveling
Hip Circle R (1-4), L (5-8) Opposite fist pounds same shoulder as hip , Double
Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo face B (5-8)
Jennifer + 1
16 Repeat above combo
Jennifer + 3
16 Same combo
as above
Jennifer + all
16 Same combo
as above
32 Same combo
as above fill force with LOTS of ATTITUDE!!
16 Flamenco
Step with Face profile L/R/L/R
16 Taxim step
F w/kick on ct.4 (kick skirt out to side)
8 Tribal
8 Torso
8 Undulation d DSR
8 Undulation
d DSR 2 cts. Each
16 Big Hip
Circle CW
8 Undulation
8 Undulation
D DSL ( cts. Each)
16 Traveling
Hip Circle (1-8), Double Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo around self (5-8)
8 Moroccan
8 Shimmy
Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy
8 Moroccan
8 Shimmy
Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy twist chest to R to FACE BACK
8 Arms float
up overhead
8 Arms
slide across back of head to 2nd
8 Slow
snake Arms (4 cts. Each)
8 Snake
Arms (2 cts. ea)
8 Turn L
to face Front w/ chest diamond (1-4) (5-8) descending
8 Ascending
pelvic Square
8 Ami 2xs
(1-4), Reverse Undulation Up (5-8)
8 Lunge
DSR (1-4), Pull back (5-6), Scissor turn L (7-8)
16 Sidewinder
16 Maya R/L
(1-4), Maya Step R (5-8). Repeat L (1-8)
16 Traveling
Hip Circle (1-8), Double Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo around self (5-8)
16 Repeat
8 Moroccan
8 Shimmy
Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy
8 Moroccan
8 Shimmy
Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy twist chest to R to FACE FRONT
16 Traveling
Rib Circle L
16 Stand R in
“L” arms sweep to “L” tilt head and neck back for attitude (1-4), Twist Shimmy
(5-8). Repeat L
16 Gypsy
strut walk with skirt balled up at fists at hips
16 X-Step R
(to go L) w/slight lean F (1-2), Lean Back bump R hip 2xs (3-4). Repeat 3xs
16 Ball skirt
up to fists Hip Bump FR/BR/FL/FB (1-4), repeat 3xs
8 Hip
8 Hip
shimmy w/ ¾ slides
8 V Ribs
8 “Bubble”
Head slide L/R (1-2), Body Wave D w/shimmy (3-4), Undulation Up (5-8)
8 Bounce
fist on R arm (1-4), Repeat L (5-8)
8 Face
profile L Hip Bounce F/C/B/C/(1-4), repeat
8 X Step F
w/ skirt ruffling 2ct steps
8 Bend F/B
with skirt ruffling 2cts.
8 X Step F
w/ skirt ruffling 2ct steps
8 Bend F/B
with skirt ruffling 2cts.
16 Traveling
Hip Circle (1-8), Double Bumps (1-4), Choo-choo around self (5-8)
16 Repeat
8 Moroccan
8 Shimmy
Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy
8 Moroccan
8 Shimmy
Box Step F (1-4), Shoulder Shimmy twist chest to R to FACE FRONT
16 Traveling
Rib Circle L
16 Stand R in
“L” arms sweep to “L” tilt head and neck back for attitude (1-4), Twist Shimmy
(5-8). Repeat L
8 Gypsy
strut walk with skirt balled up at fists at hips
16 X-Step R
(to go L) w/slight lean F (1-2), Lean Back bump R hip 2xs (3-4). Repeat 3xs
Big Finish!