Upcoming events
7/12 5-10 PM Upland Around the World
Tribal Beats
Studios/ Cable Airport Hangers
1. Mishto Act I
2. Filli Niehardi Act II
8/9 1-5 PM Mini
Market at the Casbah
Orangethorpe United
Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
2351 West
Orangethorpe Ave, Fullerton CA 92833
Performance Time
$10 advanced ticket
purchase, $12 at door
1. Mishto?
9/6 11:22 AM Las
Vegas Belly Dance Intensive
Flamingo Hotel, Las
1. Mishto
2. Filli Niehardi
3. Very Short Drum Solo
Call Time 10:22
9/13 Wrightwood Henna
Retreat and Intensive
22801 Big Pines
California 92397
Once you pass the
town of Wrightwood there is NO service. Please write down directions to the
campground as your GPS will not work.
Don’t forget to
check out my blog. I will update the information regarding our events as I get
them as well as list resources, class syllabi, and choreography notes.