Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jingle Bells

Choreography By: Jennifer Gutierrez
Music By: Naser Musa
CD: Christmas and Beyond
Jingle Bells
8              Ghawazee Entrance
8              Moroccan Campfire Combo
8              Shimmy F/B Step
16           Egyptian (1/4 L, ½ R, ¼, face front)
16           Tribal Camel (1-8), Torso Circle (1-8)
8              Sidewinder w/syncopation~(Rib Slide R/R, finish Sidewinder (1-4), repeat L (5-8)
8              Sidewinder
16           Traveling Hip Circles face F (1-7) ~ turn to face B on 8, face B (1-8)
16           R Checkmark /Ghawazee to face B (1-8). L Checkmark/Ghawazee to face F (1-8)
32           Head Slides L/R/LL (1-4), Undulation D/U (5-8), Shoulder Knocks R/L (1H3H), Shoulder Shimmy hinging at waist D/U (5-8)
16           Arabic III 4xs
16           Arabic IV w/ ¼ turn
32           Moroccan Campfire Combo (1-8), Shimmy Step (1-8). Repeat
16           Ghawazee to exit

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Choreography by: Jennifer Gutierrez
Music: AWOLNation
CD: Megalithic Symphony
Facing Back Right foot on ball, left Hip extended out
8          Hold
24         Snake Arms (4cts. Per side)
8          Arms up overhead (1),Look over Left shoulder/dip down/Left hand to face R arm up(2-8)
8          Look over R shoulder/dip down/right hand to face, left arm up
8          Arms up overhead, slide across back of head and out to 2nd
8          Scissor turn Left to face DSL* (1-2), rib lock (3-4), half hip circle to DSR ** (5-6), rib lock (7-8)
8          Camel walk right
8          Camel walk left
8          Ami 2xs CW*** (4 counts each Ami)    
8          Forward Figure 8
8          Hip Locks L/R/L/R to face DSR (1-4), Hip Bump F 2xs (5-6), bicycle (7-8)
8          Maya L/R (4 cts. per side)
8          Lunge DSL (1-4), Arms overhead head slides L/R/L/R (5-8)
8          Hip LocksR/L/R/L to face DSL, Hip Bump F 2xs (5-6), bicycle (7-8)l
8          Tribal Camel up (1-4), extend down and out (5-8)
8          Torso circle CCW
8          Laundry
8          Taxim (4 cts. per side)
32         Egyptian Step with ¼ turn
8          Face DSR Hip Locks up 8xs with L foot on ball
8          Maya (4 cts. per side)
8          Lunge DSL (1-4), Arms overhead head slides L/R/L/R (5-8)
8          Face DSL Hip Locks up 8xs R foot on ball
8          Tribal Camel up (1-4), extend down and out (5-8)
8          Torso circle CCW
8          Laundry
8          Taxim (4 cts. per side)
32         Egyptian Step with ¼ turn
8          Hip drops in relevé R
8          traveling hip circle R (1-4), Traveling L (5-8)
8          Hip drops in relevé L
8          Traveling hip circles R (1-4), traveling L (5-8)
8          Facing DSL hip bounces Forward/Center/Back/Center/Forward/Center
Shift to DSR
8          Facing DSR hip bounces Forward/Center/Back/Center/Forward/Center shift to DSL
8          Facing DSL hip bounces Forward/Center/Back/Center/Forward/Center
Shift to DSR
8          Facing DSR hip bounces Forward/Center/Back/Center/Forward/Center shift to DSL
32         Egyptian with ¼ turn
8          Face DSR R/ Rib Lock (1-2), half hip circle to DSL (3-4), rib lock (5-6), scissor turn to face B (7-8)
8          Arms up overhead, slide across back of head and out to 2nd
8          Look over R shoulder/dip down/right hand to face, left arm up
8          Look over Left shoulder/dip down/Left hand to face R arm up
8          Snake arms with Torso sways (4cts. Each side)
24         Snake Arms (4 cts. Each side)
L= left
R= right
*DSL = down stage left or facing front left corner
**DSR = down stage right or facing right corner
***CW=clock wise
Numbers in parenthesis are counts

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Radio Prizren

Music: Serkan Cagri
Choreography: Jennifer Gutierrez
Radio Prizren
8          Hold
8          Dip down to pick up skirt
16        Strut walk with skirt balled at hips ~head back; total Gypsy attitude! Face F
8          Lean to R, L leg extended, L arm to side of face/R arm up behind head(1-6), Hip twist       Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Scissor turn R (1-4),heave chest up into Shoulder Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Ball skirt up to hips while Hips Bump FR (1)/BR (2)/FL(3)/BL(4). Repeat (5-8)
8          X Step to L w/lean F (1-2), Hip Lift 2xs (3-4). Repeat (5-8)
8          Should Knocks R/L (1-2), hold (3-4). Repeat (5-8)
8          Step R, R arm comes up overhead and lands at temple w/UB contraction (1-4), step L, L             arm sweeps up lands at heart w/ UB contraction 
16        Spin in place
16        Spin in circle while gathering skirt (or choo Choo)
32        X Step on R to go L flair skirt in/out (1-4), shoulder shi,my (5-8),. 8  Hold
8 Dip down to pick up skirt
16        Strut walk with skirt balled at hips ~head back; total Gypsy attitude! Face F
8          Lean to R, L leg extended, L arm to side of face/R arm up behind head(1-6), Hip twist Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Scissor turn R (1-4),heave chest up into Shoulder Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Ball skirt up to hips while Hips Bump FR (1)/BR (2)/FL(3)/BL(4). Repeat (5-8)
8          X Step to L w/lean F (1-2), Hip Lift 2xs (3-4). Repeat (5-8)
8          Should Knocks R/L (1-2), hold (3-4). Repeat (5-8)
8          Step R, R arm comes up overhead and lands at temple w/UB contraction (1-4), step L, L arm sweeps up lands at heart w/ UB contraction      
16        Spin in place
16        Spin in circle while gathering skirt          
32        X Step on R to go L gathers skirt in/out (1-4), shoulder Shimmy (5-8). Repeat        L/R/L (1-24)
Add Zills 3s
8          Lean to R, L leg extended, L arm to side of face/R arm up behind head(1-6), Hip twist     Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Scissor turn R (1-4),heave chest up into Shoulder Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Ball skirt up to hips while Hips Bump FR (1)/BR (2)/FL(3)/BL(4). Repeat (5-8)
8          X Step to L w/lean F (1-2), Hip Lift 2xs (3-4). Repeat (5-8)
16        Spin in place
16        Spin in circle while gathering skirt          
32        X Step on R to go L gathers skirt in/out (1-4), shoulder Shimmy (5-8). Repeat
16        Slow Snake Arms (4 cts. Each)
16        Reverse Undulation walking F w/Slow Snake Arms
16        Undulation D with writhing fingers
16        Slow Snake Arms
8          Lean to R, L leg extended, L arm to side of face/R arm up behind head(1-6), Hip twist     Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Scissor turn R (1-4),heave chest up into Shoulder Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Ball skirt up to hips while Hips Bump FR (1)/BR (2)/FL(3)/BL(4). Repeat (5-8)
8          X Step to L w/lean F (1-2), Hip Lift 2xs (3-4). Repeat (5-8)
16        Slow Snake Arms (4 cts. Each)
16        Reverse Undulation walking F w/Slow Snake Arms
16        Undulation D with writhing fingers
16        Slow Snake Arms
8          Lean to R, L leg extended, L arm to side of face/R arm up behind head(1-6), Hip twist     Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Scissor turn R (1-4),heave chest up into Shoulder Shimmy (5-8)
8          Repeat L
8          Ball skirt up to hips while Hips Bump FR (1)/BR (2)/FL(3)/BL(4). Repeat (5-8)
8          X Step to L w/lean F (1-2), Hip Lift 2xs (3-4). Repeat (5-8)
16        Spin in place
16        Spin in circle while gathering skirt          
Jump Up POSE!