Choreography by: Jennifer Gutierrez
Music: AWOLNation
CD: Megalithic Symphony
Back Right foot on ball, left Hip extended out
8 Hold
24 Snake Arms (4cts. Per side)
8 Arms up overhead (1),Look over Left shoulder/dip
down/Left hand to face R arm up(2-8)
8 Look over R shoulder/dip down/right
hand to face, left arm up
8 Arms up overhead, slide across back of
head and out to 2nd
8 Scissor turn Left to face DSL* (1-2),
rib lock (3-4), half hip circle to DSR ** (5-6), rib lock (7-8)
8 Camel walk right
8 Camel walk left
8 Ami 2xs CW*** (4 counts each Ami)
8 Forward Figure 8
8 Hip Locks L/R/L/R to face DSR (1-4),
Hip Bump F 2xs (5-6), bicycle (7-8)
8 Maya L/R (4 cts. per side)
8 Lunge DSL (1-4), Arms overhead head
slides L/R/L/R (5-8)
8 Hip LocksR/L/R/L to face DSL, Hip
Bump F 2xs (5-6), bicycle (7-8)l
8 Tribal Camel up (1-4), extend down and
out (5-8)
8 Torso circle CCW
8 Laundry
8 Taxim (4 cts. per side)
32 Egyptian Step with ¼ turn
8 Face DSR Hip Locks up 8xs with L foot
on ball
8 Maya (4 cts. per side)
8 Lunge DSL (1-4), Arms overhead head
slides L/R/L/R (5-8)
8 Face DSL Hip Locks up 8xs R foot on
8 Tribal Camel up (1-4), extend down and
out (5-8)
8 Torso circle CCW
8 Laundry
8 Taxim (4 cts. per side)
32 Egyptian Step with ¼ turn
8 Hip drops in relevé R
8 traveling hip circle R (1-4), Traveling
L (5-8)
8 Hip drops in relevé L
8 Traveling hip circles R (1-4),
traveling L (5-8)
8 Facing DSL hip bounces
to DSR
8 Facing DSR hip bounces
Forward/Center/Back/Center/Forward/Center shift to DSL
8 Facing DSL hip bounces
to DSR
8 Facing DSR hip bounces
Forward/Center/Back/Center/Forward/Center shift to DSL
32 Egyptian with ¼ turn
8 Face DSR R/ Rib Lock (1-2), half hip
circle to DSL (3-4), rib lock (5-6), scissor turn to face B (7-8)
8 Arms up overhead, slide across back of
head and out to 2nd
8 Look over R shoulder/dip down/right
hand to face, left arm up
8 Look over Left shoulder/dip down/Left
hand to face R arm up
8 Snake arms with Torso sways (4cts.
Each side)
24 Snake Arms (4 cts. Each side)
L= left
R= right
*DSL = down stage left or facing front left
**DSR = down stage right or facing right
***CW=clock wise
Numbers in parenthesis are counts
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