Monday, September 22, 2014

Roustabout Choreography

Choreography By: Jennifer Gutierrez
Music By: Beats Antique
Album: Collide
:0-:10   Hold
Spooky Arms

32        Charleston db L
            Hips Drops R/L/R, Hip Drops L/R/L, Hip Crescent CW, body wave up, Chest Lift, Chest Drop 2xs, Traveling Rib Circles CCW 4xs, Push F/B, Bicycle B
            Hips Drops R/L/R, Hip Drops L/R/L, Hip Crescent CW, body wave up, Chest Lift, Chest Drop 2xs, Chest lift 2xs/ Drop, Melting Maya
16        Lean over R/Hip Drop L 3xs, Lean L/Hip Drops R 3xs, Lunge F, scissor turn face F Laundy with hip bounces
8          Mishto Cross Step
8          Cross Step F R/L/R, hip pus B 2xs
16        Tribal Camel (1-8), Torso Circle (1-8)
8          Sidewinder R/L
8          Snake Arms 2 cts. each (1-6), Head slide/body wave down/Hip Shimmy/Body Wave Up
32        Charleston dbL ¼ turn to face profile (1-12), Head slide/body wave down/Hip Shimmy/Body Wave Up (13-16)
24        Charleston dbL  1/8 turn to face front
16        Lean over R/Hip Drop L 3xs, Lean L/Hip Drops R 3xs, Lunge F, scissor turn face F Laundry with hip bounces
8          Mishto Cross Step
8          Cross Step F R/L/R, Big Hip Circle L
            Hips Drops R/L/R, Hip Drops L/R/L, Hip Crescent CW, body wave up, Chest Lift, Chest Drop 2xs, Traveling Rib Circles CCW 4xs, Push F/B, Bicycle B
16        Spooky Snake Arms to form inward facing circle (1-4), witchy arm waves ascending/descending 5-8/1-4), spin to face front in tight group (5-8)
16        Maya with step R/L (1-4), Lunge (5-8), Pull back like you’re taking their soul (1-4) Head slide/body wave down/Hip Shimmy/Body Wave Up (5-8)
24        Charleston dbL to get to drum position (1-16), Head slide/body wave down/Hip Shimmy/Body Wave Up (1-8)
16        Tribal Camel (1-8), Torso Circle (1-8)
32        Hips Drops R/L/R, Hip Drops L/R/L, Hip Crescent CW, body wave up, Chest Lift, Chest Drop 2xs, Traveling Rib Circles CCW 4xs, Push F/B, Bicycle B
32        Hips Drops R/L/R, Hip Drops L/R/L, Hip Crescent CW, body wave up, Chest Lift, Chest Drop 2xs, Chest lift 2xs/ Drop, Melting Maya
POSE! Hinge at waist to look like a broken toy


Chrysalis Choreography

Music: Solace/Various Artists
CD: Moon Moth Mixes: A Belly Dance Practice Companion
Choreography: Jennifer Gutierrez
Chrysalis Cocoon Mix Pt. 1
1-20     Hold

½ Beledi/Triplets 4xs
Arms:  Above Head/Tribal 2nd
1          1          123      1          123      123      123      123      123
R         R         RLR    R         RLR    RLR    RLR    RLR    RLR

32        Three Step dbR, Hip Twists (Egyptian)F/B/F/B. Repeat 3xs, Face F

Zills: None
8          Sidewinder R (1-4), L (5-8)   
8          Snake Arms Descending (1-4), Ascending (5-8)
8          Sidewinder R (1-4), L (5-8)
8          Snake Arms Descending (1-4), Ascending (5-8)

Zills: Triplets
32        Rib Slide R/L (1-2), Chest Pop/Lock (3-4), Yummy Ami Combo*(5-8). Repeats 3xs

Zills: None
8          Sidewinder R (1-4), L (5-8)   
8          Maya Descending
8          Sidewinder R (1-4), L (5-8)
8          Taxim Arms rising above head

Zills: Beledi/Triplet

16        Alternating rows F/B Three Step dbR, Hip Twists (Egyptian)F/B/F/B. Repeat 1x, Face inward for circle
16        In circle Grape vine R (1-4), snake arms (5-8).  Repeat (1-8)

Zills: Beledi/Triplets
8          R Checkmark (1-4) Ghawazee db L to face B (5-8)
8          L checkmark (1-4), Ghawazee db R to face F (5-8)
8          Checkmark w/relevĂ©/flat foot

Zills: Triplets
32        Rib Slide R/L (1-2), Chest Pop/Lock (3-4), Yummy Ami Combo*(5-8). Repeats 3xs

Zills: Triplets
32        Rib Slide R/L (1-2), Chest Pop/Lock (3-4), Yummy Ami Combo*(5-8). Repeats 3xs

Zills: None
8          Sidewinder
8          Double Undulation D DSR
8          Sidewinder (Use sidewinder to come up)
8          Double Undulation D DSL
8          Big Hip Circle CCW w/ bounces

6 Cts. of 8
counts 1-5 of measure 7

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Very Short Drum Solo

 Music: Raquy and the Caveman
CD: Greatest Bellydance Hits vol. II
Choreography by: Jennifer Gutierrez
Very Short Drum Solo
Group 1:
8          Shimmy Walk F (1-6), Rib L/D (7-8)
Group 2:
8          Rib Shimmy Walk F (1-6), Head Slide R/L (7-8)
Group 1:
8          Shoulder Shimmy (1-6), L Hip Drop 2xs (7-8)
Group 2:
8          Hip Shimmy (1-6), Hip Twist R/L (7-8)
Group 1:
8          Figure 8 R/L (1-4), R Ami 2xs (5-6), Body Wave Up (7-8)
Group 2:
8          Rib Circle L 2xs (1-4), Body Wave Down (5-6), R Ami 2xs
Group 1:
8          Taxim R/L (1-4), Body Wave Up (5-6), Torso Circle L (7-8) to face F
Group 2:
8          Torso Circle R to face F (1-4), Body Wave Down (5-6), Maya R/L (7-8)
8          Hip Lift R/L (1-2), Hips lifts R/L/R (3-5), Diagonal Rib Lifts w/ Shimmy overlay R/L (7-8)
8          Hips L/R/L (1-4), Rib Slides l/R w/ Shimmy Overlay (5-8)
8          Hips R/L/R (1-4), Rib Shimmy w/overlay (5-8)
8          Shimmy over R into Arabesque
8          Hips Drop 2xs (1-2),  Lift (3), Snake Arms L/R step L/R face F (4-8)
8          Rib slide L/R/L (1-4), Undulation D, Undulation Up (5-8)
8          Head slide R/L/R (1-4), undulation D, Undulation Up (5-8)
8          Arabesques L (1-3), Hip Drop (4)
8          Ciggi L
8          Choo-choo R self circle
8          Step F/B w/shimmy overlay (1-4), repeat (5-8)
8          Step F/B w/shimmy overlay DSR (1-4) Turn L, Mishto pose (5-8)

June Syllabus

June Syllabus

Zills:  31315
123      1          123      1          12345
RLR     R          RLR     R          RLRLR

June 4                                                  June 11
Warm Up                                             Warm Up
Conditioning                                        Conditioning
Zills                                                     Zills
Push F/B                                              Rib circles
                                                            Chest Diamonds

June 18                                                            June 25
NO CLASS                                          Warm Up
                                                            Hip Circles

R= Right
L= Left
F= Forward

May Syllabus

May Syllabus

Zills:  31313
123      1          123      1          123
RLR     R          RLR     R          RLR
May7                                                   May 14
Warm Up                                             Warm Up
Conditioning                                        Conditioning
Zills                                                     Zills
Rib Combo*                                        Hip Combo*
X Step F                                                           X Step B

May 21                                                            May 28
Warm Up                                             Warm Up
Conditioning                                        Conditioning
Zills                                                     Zills
1& 6 w/ ¼ turn                                                Choo-Choo:
1& 6 F                                                             R/L/Self Circle

Rib combo~ Rib Slide R/L, Rib Lift/Drop, Diagonal Ribs R/L
Hip combo ~ Hip Slides R/L, Hip Lift/Drop/ Diagonal Hips R/L
R= Right
L= Left
F= Forward